Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Social Science Resources

http://www.mrdowling.com/index.html World History

http://historyproject.ucdavis.edu/ UC Davis History and Cultures Project Resources and much, much more

http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/ Connecting Classrooms to the World Standards-based lessons and resources

http://www.ncss.org/ National Council for Social Studies-an information service for educators

http://www.socialstudies.com/ Social studies resources galore

http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/ Map maker, map maker, make me a map

http://www.mapquest.com/ Maps, US

www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/descrip.htm Teaching with historic places

http://www.adl.org/default.htm Anti-Defamation League Website; Holocaust, Mideast etc.

http://www.sla.purdue.edu/waaw/default.html Women Artists of the West/Past and Present

www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/fletcher/fletcher.htm 1881 Field Diary of Alice Fletcher /Sioux

http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/rbpehtml/ An American Time Capsule

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for sharing this helpful links..appreciate your efforts!

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